Underfloor air distribution (UFAD) is an innovative technology that uses underfloor plenum below a raised floor system to deliver space conditioning in offices and other commercial building. The use of UFAD is increasing in North America because of the benefits that it offers over conventional ceiling-based air distribution. (More......)

Theme Article

Center for the Built Environment was established in May 1997 to provide timely, unbiased information on promising new building technologies and techniques. (More......)

Projects & Case studies

The distributing this preliminary list encourages you to assist us in getting accurate information on each project. (More......)

Companies & People

Flack + Kurtz Inc. provides complete planning, design, and construction engineering services for HVAC, electrical, plumbing, life safety and fire protection systems. (More......)

UFAD Products

Access floors is used to house modular wiring and HVAC in offices. It is also the infrastructure for enhanced energy and environmental performance. (More......)

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